Punalur-Kanniyakumari-Punalur trains to stop at Paravur station - DTNEXT 06Feb2025 Punalur--Punalur trains to stop at Paravur station DTNEXT read more...
Trouble-maker turned mass-murderer leaves colony in shock at Paravur - Onmanorama 17Jan2025 Trouble--murderer leaves colony in shock at Paravur Onmanorama read more...
Triple murder in Ernakulam: Neighbour recalls blood-soaked hall, children’s cries echo - Mathrubhumi English 17Jan2025 Triple murder in Ernakulam: Neighbour recalls blood- Mathrubhumi English read more...
Triple murder in Ernakulam: Neighbour recalls blood-soaked hall, children’s cries echo - Mathrubhumi English 17Jan2025 Triple murder in Ernakulam: Neighbour recalls blood- Mathrubhumi English read more...
3 members of a family beaten to death in Kochi's Paravur, accused in custody - Onmanorama 16Jan2025 3 members of a family beaten to death in Kochi's Paravur, accused in custody read more...
Tragic Triple Homicide Shakes Chendamangalam - Devdiscourse 16Jan2025 Tragic Triple Homicide Shakes Chendamangalam read more...
Three of family beaten to death in Paravur Chendamangalam; neighbour arrested - Kerala Kaumudi 16Jan2025 Three of family beaten to death in Paravur Chendamangalam; neighbour arrested read more...
Three of family beaten to death in Paravur Chendamangalam; neighbour arrested - Kerala Kaumudi 16Jan2025 Three of family beaten to death in Paravur Chendamangalam; neighbour arrested read more...
Three of family beaten to death in Paravur Chendamangalam; neighbour arrested - Kerala Kaumudi 16Jan2025 Three of family beaten to death in Paravur Chendamangalam; neighbour arrested read more...